Securing Internships Guide

This playbook outlines a detailed approach to finding, applying for, and maximizing the benefits of internships during college. It is intended for college students seeking practical experience in their field of study.

Step 1: Research

Identify potential internships by researching companies in your field of interest. Use online job boards, company websites, university career centers, and networking to find opportunities.

Step 2: Prepare Resume

Craft a professional resume highlighting your skills, experiences, and academic achievements related to the field you're interested in. Tailor it to the internship you're applying for.

Step 3: Write Cover Letters

Create personalized cover letters for each internship application, explaining why you are the ideal candidate, how the internship aligns with your career goals, and what you bring to the table.

Step 4: Application Submission

Submit your applications to the chosen internships before the deadlines. Ensure you follow all application requirements and provide any supplementary material requested.

Step 5: Follow Up

After submission, follow up with the employers in a timely manner to express continued interest and ask about the status of your application.

Step 6: Prepare for Interviews

Prepare for interviews by practicing responses to common interview questions, researching the company culture, and understanding the role you are applying for. Dress appropriately for your interviews.

Step 7: Acceptance and Feedback

Upon receiving an offer, evaluate it thoroughly before accepting. If you are not selected, ask for feedback to improve your chances for future opportunities.

Step 8: Maximize Experience

Once you secure an internship, strive to make the most of it. Be proactive, seek learning opportunities, network with professionals and ask for mentorship to enhance your career prospects.

General Notes


Begin your internship search early in the school year as many companies have early deadlines for summer internships.


Leverage your personal and professional networks, including family, friends, professors, and school alumni, to uncover hidden internship opportunities.

Career Centers

Utilize university career centers as a resource for preparing application materials, mock interviews, and discovering opportunities not advertised publicly.