Campus Safety Playbook

This playbook outlines the essential steps and best practices to maintain personal safety on a university campus, including awareness of resources and proactive measures.

Step 1: Awareness

Increase your awareness of personal safety measures and familiarize yourself with the campus environment. Understand where emergency call boxes are located and take note of well-lit pathways.

Step 2: Resources

Identify and save contact information for campus safety resources, such as the security office, blue light stations, and local emergency numbers.

Step 3: Prevention

Take proactive safety measures such as traveling in groups at night, sharing your schedule with friends, and attending safety workshops offered by the university.

Step 4: Emergency Plan

Create a personal emergency plan. Know various routes to and from your classes and dormitory. Have a communication plan with family and friends in case of an emergency.

Step 5: Personal Belongings

Secure your personal belongings. Never leave items unattended in public spaces and invest in quality locks for your bike or other personal transport methods.

Step 6: Digital Safety

Protect your digital information by using strong passwords, being wary of public Wi-Fi, and being cautious about the personal information you share online or with unknown individuals.

General Notes


Regularly check for safety workshops or training available through the university to keep your safety knowledge current.


Always stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings. If you notice anything suspicious, report it to campus authorities immediately.