Azure Serverless Deployment

This playbook provides a detailed procedure to build and deploy serverless applications using Azure Functions. It covers the creation, testing, and deployment of Azure Functions.

Step 1: Setup

Create an Azure account and set up the Azure CLI on your local machine. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to create and manage Azure resources.

Step 2: Create Function App

Use the Azure portal or Azure CLI to create a new Function App. Assign it a unique name, select a runtime stack, choose a region, and configure hosting settings.

Step 3: Develop Function

Write the function code using the preferred language (e.g., C#, JavaScript) in your local development environment or directly in the Azure portal.

Step 4: Test Locally

Run and test your function locally using tools like the Azure Functions Core Tools or Visual Studio Code to ensure it behaves as expected.

Step 5: Deploy Function

Deploy the function to Azure using the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or GitHub Actions for continuous deployment. Ensure all function settings are configured as needed.

Step 6: Monitor

Once deployed, monitor function performance and execution logs using Azure Monitor and Application Insights to resolve any issues and ensure smooth operation.

Step 7: Update

To update the function, make changes in your local environment, retest, and then redeploy using the same deployment method as before.

General Notes


An active Azure subscription is required to deploy Azure Functions. If you don't have one, you'll need to sign up for an Azure free account.

Function Limits

Be aware of the consumption plan's limits and the costs associated with the premium and dedicated (App Service) plans.


Ensure to configure authentication, authorization, and connections to other services securely using Managed Identities and secure Application Settings.