Catering Negotiation Playbook

This playbook outlines a strategic approach to negotiating better prices and terms with food suppliers and rental companies for catering events. It involves preparation, relationship building, and effective communication to achieve optimal results.

Step 1: Research

Conduct thorough research on potential suppliers and rental companies. Understand their pricing structures, available discounts, and the quality of their offerings. Compare multiple vendors to gain leverage during negotiations.

Step 2: Budget

Establish a clear budget for the catering event. Knowing your financial constraints will guide the negotiation process and will make it easier to identify which concessions are possible from the supplier’s end.

Step 3: First Contact

Initial contact should be professional and informative. Express your catering needs, the scope of the event, and your desire to discuss pricing and terms. Schedule a meeting or a call for in-depth discussion.

Step 4: Build Relationship

Cultivate a professional relationship with the supplier representatives. Display your interest in a long-term partnership, which could lead to better prices and terms.

Step 5: Present Proposal

Prepare a detailed proposal indicating what you're looking for in terms of products or services, prices, delivery schedules, and payment terms. Be clear and realistic about your expectations.

Step 6: Negotiation

Engage in the negotiation process by discussing the proposal, bringing up your research findings, and proposing a fair deal. Be prepared to make concessions, but also know your limits based on the established budget.

Step 7: Finetune Details

Once a tentative agreement is reached, work out the finer points such as delivery logistics, last-minute changes policy, and any value-added services or discounts for future business.

Step 8: Contract

Review the written contract thoroughly. Ensure all the agreed-upon terms are included. Consult with a legal professional if necessary before signing the agreement.

Step 9: Follow-Up

After the event, follow up with the supplier to discuss the outcomes and any potential issues that arose. This helps in maintaining the relationship for future negotiations and events.

General Notes


Be flexible in negotiations but don’t compromise on the quality of service or products necessary to make the event successful.


Make sure all verbal agreements are documented in writing to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later on.