Catering Feedback Process

This playbook outlines the steps required to collect and analyze feedback from clients and guests after a catering event, with the aim of enhancing the quality and effectiveness of future catering services.

Step 1: Plan Collection

Decide on the method for collecting feedback (e.g., paper forms, email surveys, or online platforms), and develop the questions that will be included in the feedback form.

Step 2: Distribute Surveys

Send out the feedback forms to clients and guests soon after the event, while the experience is still fresh in their minds.

Step 3: Set Reminder

Send a reminder to complete the feedback form, encouraging those who have not yet responded to do so.

Step 4: Collect Responses

Gather all completed feedback forms from clients and guests by the set deadline.

Step 5: Analyze Feedback

Review and categorize the feedback to identify common patterns, areas of strength, and areas needing improvement.

Step 6: Report Findings

Compile the analyzed data into a report, highlighting key findings and actionable insights.

Step 7: Plan Improvement

Based on the feedback report, create an action plan to address any issues and to leverage the strengths identified.

Step 8: Implement Changes

Make the necessary adjustments to the catering services, processes, or offers according to the action plan.

Step 9: Follow-up

After implementing changes, follow up with clients to ensure the modifications have had a positive impact and continue to collect feedback for ongoing improvements.

General Notes

Feedback Timing

Aim to seek feedback within 48 hours of the event, as this will likely yield higher response rates and more accurate reflections of the event experience.


Consider offering an incentive for completing the feedback form, such as a discount on future services or a small gift, to increase response rates.


Assure clients and guests that their feedback is confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of improving service quality.