Blog Interview Process

This playbook describes the sequential steps for preparing, conducting, and publishing interviews on a blog to provide variety and enhance credibility. It guides through the planning phase, execution of the interview, and the publishing process.

Step 1: Planning

Identify the objective of the interview and the target audience. Choose a subject expert or influencer that will resonate with your audience.

Step 2: Invitation

Draft a personalized invitation email, highlighting the purpose of your blog and why you believe the interviewee would be a great fit. Send the invitation and await a response.

Step 3: Preparation

Upon acceptance, research the interviewee's background and work. Prepare a list of questions that are relevant and insightful, leaving space for spontaneous follow-up questions.

Step 4: Scheduling

Coordinate with the interviewee to schedule a date and time for the interview that is convenient for both parties. Decide on the medium (e.g., video call, phone call, in-person) and test all equipment beforehand.

Step 5: Conducting

During the interview, build rapport with the interviewee, ask prepared questions, follow up for depth, and be respectful of the interviewee's time. Record the interview with their permission.

Step 6: Transcribing

Transcribe the recorded interview and edit for clarity and flow while maintaining the interviewee's voice and message.

Step 7: Approval

Send the edited transcript to the interviewee for review and approval, providing an opportunity for them to request changes or clarifications.

Step 8: Publishing

Once approved, format the interview for your blog, adding any necessary multimedia elements. Schedule or publish the post on your blog, ensuring SEO optimization for maximum reach.

Step 9: Promotion

Promote the interview through social media and email newsletters. Tag and thank the interviewee in promotional materials to encourage them to share the interview with their audience.

General Notes


After publishing, monitor engagement and respond to comments or questions. Use the feedback for future improvements.


Send a thank-you message to the interviewee post-publication, maintaining a good relationship for possible future collaborations.