Shiatsu Massage Basics

This playbook describes the basic techniques and principles of Shiatsu massage, focusing on the application of pressure to meridian points to relieve stress and tension.

Step 1: Preparation

Create a calm and comfortable environment. Ensure the space is warm and quiet. Have the person receiving the massage lie down on a flat surface, preferably on a mat on the floor.

Step 2: Positioning

Position yourself beside the person receiving the massage. You should be able to move easily around them to access various meridian points without straining.

Step 3: Starting Point

Begin with a gentle palm pressing on the back, starting from the lower back and gently moving towards the shoulders to warm up the body.

Step 4: Apply Pressure

Use your fingers, palms, or thumbs to apply pressure directly on the meridian points. The pressure should be firm but not painful. Hold each point for 3-5 seconds before releasing.

Step 5: Follow Meridians

Move along the body's meridians, which are the channels where energy flows. Focus on applying pressure along these lines across the back, arms, legs, and neck.

Step 6: Mindful Technique

Maintain a relaxed and meditative state while performing the massage. Your movements should be mindful and intentional, with attention to the recipient's response to the pressure.

Step 7: Conclusion

Gradually decrease the pressure of your touches as you bring the session to an end. Gently place your hands on the recipient's back, sharing a moment of calmness before closing the session.

General Notes


Always ensure you have consent from the person receiving the massage and that they are comfortable throughout the process.


Keep open communication during the massage session to ensure the pressure is appropriate and the technique is effective in providing relief.


Shiatsu massage should ideally be performed by a trained practitioner. Before attempting the techniques, proper training or guidance from a professional is recommended.