Beginner's Crystal Healing

This playbook outlines the fundamental steps for someone new to crystal healing. It covers selecting appropriate crystals, cleansing them of previous energies, and programming them with intentions for personal use.

Step 1: Selection

Choose crystals that resonate with you or possess qualities that align with your intentions. Research or consult with an expert about the properties and uses of different crystals.

Step 2: Cleansing

Cleanse your chosen crystals to remove any previous energies. Methods can include:
- Smudging with sage or palo santo
- Using saltwater (be mindful of the crystal's hardness)
- Burying them in the earth overnight
- Placing under the light of a full moon.

Step 3: Programming

Hold the crystal in your dominant hand or both hands. Close your eyes, focus your mind, and direct your intention into the crystal. This can be a specific goal, healing, or quality you wish to attract. Speak your intentions aloud or silently affirm them.

General Notes


Some crystals can be damaged by water or salt. Always research your crystal type before choosing a cleansing method.


Trust your intuition when selecting crystals rather than solely relying on prescribed meanings. The personal connection to a crystal is often just as important as its traditional properties.