Tech Basics for Beginners

This playbook provides a beginner-friendly approach to understanding technology and internet basics. It is designed for adult learners who are new to the digital world or looking to update their tech skills.

Step 1: Introduction

Familiarize yourself with the basic terminology of technology such as software, hardware, internet, and operating systems.

Step 2: Hardware Basics

Learn about different hardware components of a computer, including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer.

Step 3: Software Usage

Explore various types of software that are commonly used such as word processors, web browsers, and email applications.

Step 4: Internet Skills

Gain skills in using the internet, like navigating websites, understanding URLs, and recognizing basic online safety practices.

Step 5: Email Setup

Set up an email account, learn how to send and receive emails, manage contacts, and maintain inbox organization.

Step 6: Digital Communication

Understand different methods of digital communication such as messaging apps, video calls, and social media platforms.

Step 7: Online Safety

Learn about internet security, including password best practices, how to identify secure websites, and how to avoid scams.

General Notes


Encourage consistent practice by using the learned skills regularly to build confidence and proficiency.


Seek help from tech-savvy friends or family, community resources, or online tutorials when needed.

Update Skills

Technology evolves rapidly, so keep updated with the latest trends, software updates, and emerging online services.