Adult Entrepreneurship Education

This playbook provides a structured approach to teaching entrepreneurship to adult learners. It outlines the essential steps needed to equip them with the necessary business skills and resources to launch their own venture.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a pre-course assessment to determine the learners' current level of business knowledge, their learning preferences, and entrepreneurial aspirations.

Step 2: Curriculum Design

Develop a curriculum that includes core business concepts, such as business planning, marketing, finance, operations, and legal aspects. The curriculum should be tailored to adult learning principles and include practical, real-world applications.

Step 3: Resource Allocation

Gather and organize resources including textbooks, case studies, online courses, and potentially guest speakers who are experienced entrepreneurs.

Step 4: Interactive Learning

Incorporate interactive learning methods such as workshops, group projects, and simulation exercises to engage the learners actively.

Step 5: Mentorship Program

Establish a mentorship program that pairs learners with experienced entrepreneurs who can offer guidance, advice, and support.

Step 6: Business Plan Development

Guide learners through the process of developing their own business plan, offering feedback and revisions along the way.

Step 7: Pitch Practice

Provide opportunities for learners to practice pitching their business ideas to peers, instructors, and potential investors.

Step 8: Local Networking

Connect learners with local business communities and networking events to facilitate relationship building and potential partnerships.

Step 9: Support Systems

Introduce learners to support systems such as small business associations, funding opportunities, and online entrepreneur communities.

Step 10: Evaluation

Conduct post-course evaluations to measure the effectiveness of the educational program and the progress of the learners in starting their business ventures.

General Notes


The program structure should be flexible to accommodate the various commitments and backgrounds of adult learners.


Ensure that all resources and learning materials are easily accessible, considering the potential need for digital literacy support.

Ongoing Support

Establish a system for providing ongoing support to alumni of the entrepreneurship education program, aiding in long-term success.