Post-Crisis Evaluation Playbook

This playbook offers a structured approach to conduct post-crisis evaluations with the aim of identifying key lessons and improving future crisis response efforts. It guides through data collection, analysis, and the integration of findings into organizational practice.

Step 1: Prepare

Begin the evaluation by assembling a diverse team with expertise in various areas relevant to the crisis. Ensure the team has access to all necessary information and data sources.

Step 2: Review

Conduct a comprehensive review of the crisis management activities. This includes timelines, decisions made, communications, and the effectiveness of response strategies.

Step 3: Collect Data

Gather both quantitative and qualitative data. This can involve surveys, interviews, document analysis, and reviewing performance metrics.

Step 4: Analyze

Analyze the data to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the crisis response. Look for patterns, causes of success or failure, and any unexpected outcomes.

Step 5: Summarize Findings

Create a comprehensive summary of the findings that highlights what worked well and what did not. Ensure the findings are clear and well-supported by evidence.

Step 6: Develop Lessons

Identify actionable lessons learned. Focus on concrete recommendations for improvement that could be implemented in future crises.

Step 7: Disseminate

Share the results of the post-crisis evaluation with all relevant stakeholders. This may involve presentations, reports, workshops, or training sessions to ensure widespread understanding.

Step 8: Integrate

Work with the organization's leadership to integrate the lessons learned into policy, training, and practice. This may involve updating procedures, creating new policies, or modifying response plans.

Step 9: Monitor

Monitor the implementation of the recommended improvements and assess their effectiveness over time. This may require setting new performance metrics and regular review intervals.

General Notes


Take appropriate measures to protect sensitive information and maintain confidentiality throughout the evaluation process.

Stakeholder Involvement

Engage stakeholders throughout the process for a more comprehensive evaluation. Their input can provide valuable perspectives and ensure that the findings are relevant and accepted.

Continuous Improvement

View the post-crisis evaluation as part of a continuous improvement cycle, where each crisis becomes an opportunity to learn and enhance organizational resilience.