Developing a Water Budget

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to create a water budget. The process is aimed at monitoring and controlling water usage to prevent wastage and promote sustainable practices.

Step 1: Data Gathering

Collect the necessary data regarding water sources, usage patterns, and historical consumption data. This includes utility bills, meter readings, and any existing data on water inflows and outflows.

Step 2: Usage Analysis

Analyze the collected data to understand current water usage. Look for patterns, seasonal variations, and peak usage periods.

Step 3: Set Goals

Define specific water usage goals based on the analysis. Goals should include reducing consumption, optimizing usage, and identifying areas for efficiency improvements.

Step 4: Create Budget

Based on usage patterns and set goals, allocate water consumption for different areas or activities. Ensure the allocations align with the overall water-saving objectives.

Step 5: Implementation

Put the water budget into action by setting up monitoring mechanisms to regularly track water usage against the allocated amounts.

Step 6: Monitoring

Continuously monitor water usage through the established mechanisms, making real-time adjustments to stay within the budget.

Step 7: Review and Adjust

Periodically review the water budget and usage data. Look for any discrepancies, analyze causes of overuse, and adjust the budget or goals accordingly.

General Notes


Involve all stakeholders in the development of the water budget to foster a collaborative environment and ensure adherence.

Sustainability Focus

Integrate sustainability best practices into each step, ensuring the water budget supports long-term environmental goals.

Regular Updates

Schedule regular updates to the water budget process to incorporate new data, changing patterns, and to refine goals over time.