Manager Employment Law Training

This playbook outlines the steps for developing a training program aimed at equipping managers with the fundamental knowledge of employment law necessary for daily operations.

Step 1: Needs Assessment

Conduct a thorough needs assessment to determine the specific employment law topics that are relevant to your managers. This might involve surveys, interviews, or reviewing job descriptions.

Step 2: Design Curriculum

Design the training curriculum based on the needs assessment findings. Ensure to cover key legal concepts, rights and responsibilities, and case studies for practical understanding.

Step 3: Select Trainers

Choose qualified trainers with an in-depth knowledge of employment law and experience in training. They should be adept at conveying complex legal concepts in an accessible way.

Step 4: Prepare Materials

Develop training materials such as slide presentations, handouts, and reference guides. The content should be accurate, up-to-date, and engaging to facilitate learning.

Step 5: Schedule Training

Set schedules for the training sessions that accommodate the availability of managers and trainers. Determine whether the training will be in-person, online, or a hybrid format.

Step 6: Conduct Training

Execute the training sessions with interactive elements such as Q&A, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to help managers apply the principles in real-world scenarios.

Step 7: Evaluate Effectiveness

After the training, evaluate its effectiveness through feedback forms, tests, or observing improvements in managerial practices relating to employment law.

Step 8: Ongoing Support

Offer ongoing support and resources to managers to continuously update their knowledge and consult on employment law issues as they arise.

General Notes

Legal Updates

Continually update training content to reflect the latest changes and developments in employment law.


Ensure that training materials and sessions are accessible to all managers, including those with disabilities.

Cultural Competence

Integrate principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the training to foster a culturally competent and legally compliant workplace.