Writing Job Descriptions

This playbook describes the process of writing comprehensive job descriptions. It focuses on outlining essential functions and ensuring compliance with employment laws.

Step 1: Job Analysis

Conduct a job analysis to gather information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of the job.

Step 2: Essential Functions

Identify and articulate the essential functions of the job. These are the fundamental job duties that are critical for the position.

Step 3: Qualifications

Specify the minimum qualifications required for the position, including education, experience, skills, and any certifications or licenses.

Step 4: Compliance Review

Ensure that the job description complies with all relevant laws and regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and equal employment opportunity (EEO) standards.

Step 5: Language Check

Use clear, objective, and non-discriminatory language. Avoid jargon, acronyms, and phrases that could be construed as discriminatory or exclusionary.

Step 6: Formatting

Format the job description for readability. Use bullet points for duties and qualifications, and keep paragraphs concise.

Step 7: Review & Approve

Have the job description reviewed by human resources, legal, and the hiring manager for final approval, ensuring it is accurate and complete.

General Notes


Maintain consistency in style and format across all job descriptions within the company to ensure uniformity.


Regularly review and update the job descriptions to reflect any changes in job duties or requirements.