Life Skills Special Ed Curriculum

This playbook is intended to provide a structured approach to teaching life skills to students with disabilities. It aims at equipping them with the necessary abilities to lead more independent lives.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate each student's current abilities, challenges, and needs. This step may involve direct observation, standardized tests, and consultations with professionals and guardians.

Step 2: Planning

Develop individualized learning plans based on assessment results. Plans should specify desired outcomes, necessary resources, and an appropriate time frame for skill acquisition.

Step 3: Resource Preparation

Gather or create teaching materials and resources tailored to each student’s plan. These resources may include visual aids, interactive tools, and practical items for hands-on learning.

Step 4: Instruction

Implement teaching strategies that are adapted to each student's learning style and needs. Instruction should be broken down into manageable and sequential steps to ensure understanding and mastery.

Step 5: Practice

Provide opportunities for students to practice new skills in a safe and supportive environment. This includes role-playing, simulations, and community-based experiences.

Step 6: Review

Regularly monitor student progress and adjust learning plans as necessary. This involves revisiting learning goals, teaching methods, and student engagement.

Step 7: Generalization

Facilitate the transfer of learnt skills to other settings beyond the classroom. This includes consistent practice at home, in social settings, and real-world environments.

Step 8: Ongoing Support

Ensure that students and their caregivers receive ongoing support and guidance post-instruction. This may include follow-up meetings, resource sharing, and connecting with community services.

General Notes


Work collaboratively with other educators, professionals, and families to ensure a holistic approach and to align efforts across different environments.


Be prepared to make continual adjustments to the curriculum to meet the evolving needs of the students and to incorporate new teaching methodologies.

Cultural Sensitivity

Be aware of and sensitive to cultural differences that may affect how students respond to certain life skills teaching. Adjust materials and practices to be inclusive and respectful of all backgrounds.