Post-Crisis Reputation Management

This playbook outlines the strategies for rebuilding and protecting a company's reputation following a crisis. It details a step-by-step approach to assess damage, communicate effectively, make necessary changes, and rebuild trust with stakeholders.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a thorough analysis of the crisis impact. Assess areas of the business affected, customer feedback, media coverage, and internal stakeholder sentiments.

Step 2: Strategy Development

Develop a reputation management strategy that includes immediate, short-term, and long-term actions. Prioritize transparency, accountability, and proactive communication.

Step 3: Communication Plan

Craft a communication plan addressing all stakeholders such as customers, employees, partners, and the media. Tailor the messaging to each group, acknowledging the issue and detailing your commitment to resolving it.

Step 4: Public Response

Issue a public statement or press release to acknowledge the crisis, accepting responsibility where appropriate, and outlining the steps being taken to address it.

Step 5: Implement Changes

Enact changes within the organization to prevent future crises. This may include policy updates, changes in procedures, employee training, or product/service improvements.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Regularly monitor the effectiveness of reputation management efforts. Use metrics and feedback to gauge public sentiment and adjust strategies as necessary.

Step 7: Rebuild Trust

Engage in activities that help rebuild trust with your audience. This could include community outreach, customer engagement initiatives, or transparency reports.

Step 8: Long-term Evaluation

Continuously evaluate the long-term impact of the crisis on the brand. Ensure that reputation management remains a strategic focus to maintain stakeholder trust and company integrity.

General Notes

Legal Considerations

Consult with legal advisors to ensure all public statements and changes in policy are legally sound and won't create additional liabilities.


Ensure sensitive information remains confidential throughout the process. Share information internally on a need-to-know basis, and secure all communications.


Maintain authenticity in all communications and actions. Stakeholders are more likely to forgive a company that is sincere in its efforts to correct mistakes.

Employee Support

Support employees throughout the reputational repair process as their buy-in and morale are crucial for genuine change and positive stakeholder perceptions.