Managing IBS Symptoms

This playbook outlines the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes to manage symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It aims to improve intestinal health and provide relief from discomfort through a structured approach.

Step 1: Identify Triggers

Keep a detailed food diary for a few weeks to log everything consumed and note any IBS symptoms that follow. This helps in identifying potential trigger foods or beverages.

Step 2: Adjust Fiber

Gradually adjust fiber intake. Increase soluble fiber if constipated and consider reducing insoluble fiber if experiencing diarrhea.

Step 3: Limit FODMAPs

Reduce intake of certain carbohydrates known as FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols) that are notorious for triggering IBS symptoms.

Step 4: Hydrate

Drink adequate amounts of water daily, typically 6-8 glasses, to assist in digestion and normal bowel function.

Step 5: Regular Meals

Eat at regular times and do not skip meals to help regulate bowel function. Aim for smaller, more frequent meals if larger meals exacerbate symptoms.

Step 6: Mindful Eating

Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly to aid digestion and reduce stress during meals.

Step 7: Limit Fats

Reduce the intake of fatty foods as they can worsen diarrhea. Opt for lean proteins and consider cooking methods like grilling, steaming, or baking instead of frying.

Step 8: Exercise Regularly

Engage in regular, moderate exercise to help reduce stress, which can be a trigger for IBS symptoms, and to maintain regular bowel movements.

Step 9: Stress Management

Develop and maintain a consistent routine for stress management, including techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Step 10: Review Medications

Consult with a healthcare provider to review any medications that may be exacerbating IBS symptoms and discuss possible alternatives.

General Notes


The approach to managing IBS is highly individualized; what works for one person may not work for another. Be prepared to adjust strategies based on personal experiences and responses.


It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a dietitian before making significant changes to diet or lifestyle, especially for individuals with IBS.


Consider incorporating probiotics into the diet after discussing with a healthcare provider, as they may help improve symptoms of IBS.