Tax Season Preparation

This playbook provides businesses with a step-by-step checklist to prepare for tax season and ensure a smoother filing process. It outlines the key tasks to be completed before filing business taxes.

Step 1: Organize Documents

Gather and organize all financial documents, including income statements, receipts, invoices, payroll records, bank and credit card statements, and previous tax returns.

Step 2: Reconcile Accounts

Ensure that all business accounts are reconciled to reflect accurate financial activity for the year. Check that bank statements match the company's internal records.

Step 3: Review Deductions

Identify all possible tax deductions and credits that the business may qualify for, such as business expenses, home office deductions, and depreciation.

Step 4: Update Information

Review and update business and personal information as needed, including addresses, legal names, and tax identification numbers.

Step 5: Consult Professionals

Schedule a consultation with a tax professional or accountant to discuss tax strategies, changes in tax laws, and to get assistance with complex financial situations.

Step 6: File Documents

Prepare and file all required tax forms and supporting documentation with the appropriate tax authorities by the filing deadline.

Step 7: Plan Payments

Determine whether any taxes are due and make arrangements for payment. If necessary, set up a payment plan with the tax authority.

Step 8: Store Records

After filing, properly store tax records, receipts, and documents for the legally required period in case of future audits or reviews.

General Notes


Be aware of federal, state, and local tax deadlines to avoid penalties and late fees. Use a calendar to track all tax-related dates and deadlines.


Consider using accounting software or hiring professionals to maintain financial records throughout the year to simplify tax preparation.


Maintain detailed records of all business transactions, including date, amount, purpose, and parties involved, to support tax filings.