Organic Plant Propagation

This playbook outlines the steps to propagate organic plants using three common methods: starting from seeds, propagating from cuttings, and multiplying via divisions. It focuses on organic practices to ensure a natural and sustainable approach.

Step 1: Seed Selection

Choose certified organic seeds from a reputable source to ensure they haven't been treated with synthetic chemicals. Select seeds of plant varieties suitable for your growing region and desired traits.

Step 2: Seed Planting

Prepare a seed starting mix using organic soil and compost. Plant the seeds in the mix at the depth specified on the seed packet, water gently, and place them in a warm, brightly lit area.

Step 3: Seedling Care

Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Provide adequate light to young plants and protect them from extreme temperatures. Begin fertilizing with an organic solution once the true leaves appear.

Step 4: Cutting Selection

Identify a healthy, non-flowering shoot from the parent plant to use as a cutting. Make a clean cut below a node using a sanitized blade.

Step 5: Cutting Preparation

Remove leaves from the lower third of the cutting. Dip the cut end in organic rooting hormone to accelerate root development if desired.

Step 6: Planting Cuttings

Place cuttings into small pots filled with an organic potting mix. Ensure at least one node is below the surface. Water gently and cover with a clear plastic bag to maintain high humidity.

Step 7: Cutting Care

Keep the cuttings in a warm area with indirect light. Remove the plastic cover periodically to prevent mold and give fresh air. Once rooted, which may take several weeks, begin gradual exposure to the environment.

Step 8: Division Preparation

Choose a healthy plant that has outgrown its pot or whose center shows signs of dying out. Water the plant well a day before the division process.

Step 9: Division Process

Carefully remove the plant from its pot and use your hands or a sanitized knife to gently separate it into smaller sections, making sure each section has roots attached.

Step 10: Replanting Divisions

Plant each division into its own pot filled with organic soil. Water adequately to settle the soil around the roots and remove air pockets.

General Notes


Always sanitize your tools before propagation to prevent disease transmission.


Proper lighting is crucial for propagation success. If natural light is insufficient, consider using grow lights.

Water Quality

Use chlorine-free, room temperature water for watering and misting to avoid shocking the plant cuttings and seedlings.

Organic Certification

If aiming for organic certification, ensure all the materials used, including pots and fertilizers, meet organic standards.