Crisis Management Planning

This playbook provides a structured approach on how to develop a comprehensive crisis management plan. It outlines the essential steps required to identify potential crises and devise effective response strategies.

Step 1: Assemble Team

Gather a cross-functional crisis management team that includes members from different departments who are decision-makers and knowledgeable about the organization's operations.

Step 2: Identify Risks

Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential crisis scenarios that could impact the organization. Consider internal and external factors that could pose threats.

Step 3: Develop Strategies

For each identified risk, develop response strategies. Outline specific actions, assign responsibilities, and determine resources needed to manage each crisis.

Step 4: Create Plans

Draft detailed crisis management plans for each scenario with step-by-step response procedures. These should be clear, concise, and easy to execute under pressure.

Step 5: Train Staff

Provide training and simulations for the crisis management team and staff members. Ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities during a crisis.

Step 6: Review & Revise

Regularly review and update the crisis management plans to reflect changing circumstances, new risks, and lessons learned from training exercises and actual incidents.

Step 7: Communicate Plan

Effectively communicate the crisis management plans throughout the organization. Make sure all stakeholders know what to expect and how to access the plans.

General Notes


Ensure that crisis management plans are easily accessible to all necessary personnel at all times, including backup copies in case of power or network failures.


Verify that the crisis management plans comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.