Athlete Hydration Plan

This playbook outlines the steps for athletes to maintain proper hydration before, during, and after exercise to ensure optimal performance and health.

Step 1: Pre-Exercise

Begin hydrating at least 4 hours before exercise by consuming 5-7 mL/kg of body weight of water or a sports drink. If urine is dark, drink another 3-5 mL/kg.

Step 2: During Exercise

Continuously drink small amounts of water or a sports beverage every 15-20 minutes during exercise to replace fluids lost via sweat. The amount should be adjusted based on sweat rate, climate, and exercise intensity.

Step 3: Post-Exercise

Rehydrate within 2 hours after exercising by consuming fluids. Aim for 1.5 L of fluid for every kilogram of body weight lost. Include a meal or snack that provides sodium to aid in rapid rehydration.

General Notes


Fluid needs can vary greatly between individuals. It's essential to personalize the hydration strategy based on personal sweat rates, exercise duration, intensity, and environmental conditions.


During prolonged exercise, use sports drinks with electrolytes to help replace the salts lost in sweat and maintain the balance of electrolytes in the body.