Returning to School Playbook

This playbook provides a structured approach for individuals returning to academic life after a long break. It aims to help them acclimate to the educational environment, bridge potential knowledge gaps, and effectively utilize their life experience for academic success.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate your previous academic records and any knowledge you have retained. Identify areas that need refreshing or additional study.

Step 2: Planning

Create a study plan based on the assessment. Allocate time for regular study sessions and identify resources such as textbooks, online courses, or tutors to help bridge those gaps.

Step 3: Acclimation

Familiarize yourself with the current academic environment, including technology used in the classroom, learning management systems, and the campus layout if attending in person.

Step 4: Integration

Begin integrating academic work into your daily routine slowly. Start with short study sessions and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

Step 5: Engagement

Actively engage with the material through active reading, taking notes, participating in discussions, and completing exercises.

Step 6: Networking

Reach out to fellow students, join study groups, and make connections with faculty. Networking can provide support and share useful study strategies.

Step 7: Application

Apply your life experiences to your academic work. Look for ways your personal and professional insights could enhance your understanding of course materials.

Step 8: Reflection

Regularly reflect on your progress and adjust your study plan as needed. Celebrate achievements and stay proactive in addressing challenges.

General Notes


Be prepared to adapt your strategies as you find what study methods and schedules work best for your current situation.


Maintain balance between academic responsibilities and personal life to avoid burnout. Ensure you make time for exercise, hobbies, and social activities.


Take advantage of all the resources your school offers, such as academic advising, counseling services, and libraries.