Yoga for Chakra Balancing

This playbook outlines the steps to use yoga poses to balance and align the body's seven chakras. The goal is to enhance energy flow through the practice of targeted yoga poses.

Step 1: Understanding

Learn about the seven chakras; their locations, associated colors, elements, and the aspects of life they influence.

Step 2: Preparation

Prepare for the session by creating a calm environment, possibly with the use of appropriate music, lighting, and ensuring you won't be disturbed.

Step 3: Warm-Up

Begin with gentle warm-up exercises to prepare your body, reducing the risk of injury before engaging in more specific yoga poses for chakra balancing.

Step 4: Root Chakra

Perform yoga poses such as Mountain Pose and Warrior I to balance the root chakra, focusing on feelings of stability and grounding.

Step 5: Sacral Chakra

Use poses like Bound Angle and Goddess Pose to engage with the sacral chakra, encouraging creativity and emotional balance.

Step 6: Solar Plexus

Incorporate poses such as Boat Pose and Warrior II to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, fostering self-confidence and willpower.

Step 7: Heart Chakra

Practice poses like Camel Pose and Cobra Pose which open up the chest area, to balance the heart chakra and enhance love and compassion.

Step 8: Throat Chakra

Engage in poses like Fish Pose and Bridge Pose focusing on the throat area to facilitate clear communication and self-expression.

Step 9: Third Eye

Perform Child’s Pose and Seated Forward Bend to tune into the third eye chakra, improving intuition and insight.

Step 10: Crown Chakra

End with meditation and Corpse Pose, directing your attention to the crown of the head to access higher consciousness and spiritual connection.

Step 11: Integration

Take time after the session to integrate the experience. Reflect on any sensations, emotions or thoughts that arose during the practice.

General Notes


Chakra balancing is most effective when practiced consistently over time. Aim to establish a regular yoga routine.


Stay mindful and present during the practice. Focus on your breath and the sensations in your body to enhance the balancing effect.


Ensure to hydrate before and after your practice to help aid the body's natural detoxification process that may be stimulated through chakra balancing.