Restorative Yoga for Healing

This guide provides a sequence of restorative yoga poses designed to aid in healing and recovery. It outlines the steps to prepare for and execute a restorative yoga session tailored for those looking to foster physical and mental wellness.

Step 1: Setup Space

Choose a quiet, comfortable space with enough room to move freely. Lay out your yoga mat and gather any props you might need, such as blankets, bolsters, blocks, or straps, to support your practice.

Step 2: Warm-Up

Warm up your body with gentle stretching or a light activity, like walking, to increase circulation and prepare your muscles and joints for the yoga poses.

Step 3: Begin Sequence

Start with a series of foundational restorative yoga poses. A typical sequence may include Child's Pose, Supported Butterfly, and Legs-Up-The-Wall, held for several minutes each, to promote relaxation and stress relief.

Step 4: Deepen Poses

Once comfortable with the foundational poses, slowly transition into deeper, more prolonged holds, focusing on deep breathing and mindfulness to enhance the healing benefits.

Step 5: Cool Down

Gradually wind down the session with less intense poses, like a gentle twist or a simple Corpse Pose, to signal to your body that the practice is coming to an end and to integrate the healing effects.

Step 6: Integrate

Rest quietly for several minutes in a comfortable position. Reflect on the sensations in your body, the calming of your mind, and carry that sense of peace with you after the session concludes.

General Notes


Throughout the restorative yoga sequence, maintain a focus on slow and deep breathing to aid in relaxation and healing.


Engage in mindfulness during your practice by gently bringing your attention back to the present moment whenever your mind wanders.

Listen to Body

Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust the poses or use more props for support as necessary to ensure comfort and prevent strain.


For best results, incorporate restorative yoga into your weekly routine, aiming for at least one to two sessions per week.