Pilates for Balance

This playbook outlines the procedural steps for practicing Pilates to enhance balance and coordination. It delineates specific exercises targeting these areas, providing a structured approach to incorporating Pilates into a balance-improvement regimen.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Begin with a warm-up session to prepare your body for Pilates exercises. This can include stretching and light cardio to increase heart rate and loosen muscles.

Step 2: Core Engagement

Focus on engaging your core muscles, which is vital for balance and coordination. Practice exercises that require you to maintain stability while keeping your core tight, like The Hundred or Plank.

Step 3: Balance Exercises

Incorporate Pilates exercises that specifically enhance balance, such as Standing Leg Pumps, Single Leg Circles, and Side Leg Lifts.

Step 4: Coordination Drills

Perform Pilates movements that improve coordination, including Leg Pull-ups, Toe Taps, and Coordination on the Reformer (if available).

Step 5: Progression

Gradually increase the difficulty of each exercise. As your balance and coordination improve, challenge yourself with advanced variations or use Pilates equipment like the Wunda Chair.

Step 6: Cool Down

Conclude with a cool-down session involving deep stretches and relaxation to help muscles recover and to reinforce the muscle memory of balance and coordination skills learned.

General Notes


Consistent practice is key to improving balance and coordination. Aim to incorporate these Pilates exercises into your routine several times a week.


Always prioritize safety, especially when trying new exercises or using Pilates equipment. Consider working with a qualified instructor to ensure proper technique.