Wood Joint Techniques

This playbook provides a structured approach to understanding and applying basic wood joint techniques, such as dovetail and mortise-and-tenon joints, and guides on when to use each technique appropriately during woodworking projects.

Step 1: Research

Learn about the different types of wood joints, their characteristics, and applications. Focus on understanding the basics of dovetail joints, which are strong and used for connecting sides of drawers to the front, and mortise-and-tenon joints, known for their strength in woodworking.

Step 2: Design

Plan your woodworking project and decide which joints will be most appropriate for the various connections within your project, taking into consideration factors like the direction of the stress and the appearance of the joint.

Step 3: Select Tools

Choose the right tools for creating the joints chosen in your design. For dovetail joints, you may need a dovetail saw, chisels, and a marking gauge. For mortise-and-tenon joints, choose chisels, a mallet, and potentially a mortiser or a drill press.

Step 4: Mark and Measure

Carefully mark and measure the locations where the joints will be made on the wood, using precise instruments to ensure accuracy. Accurate marking is crucial for joints to fit together well.

Step 5: Cut

Cut the joints using the selected tools. For a dovetail, cut the pins and tails accurately so that they fit together snugly. For a mortise-and-tenon joint, cut the mortise hole and the tenon piece to fit precisely.

Step 6: Test Fit

Assemble the joints without glue to test their fit. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure a tight and accurate fit. The joints should come together neatly without excessive force.

Step 7: Glue

Once the fit is confirmed, apply wood glue to the joints, and assemble the pieces. Use clamps to hold the pieces together while the glue dries, according to the glue manufacturer's instructions.

Step 8: Finish

After the glue has dried, remove any excess glue, sand the joints if necessary, and apply the desired finish to the wood project.

General Notes


Always practice safety when using tools. Wear protective gear such as safety glasses and hearing protection, and follow the tool manufacturer's safety guidelines.


Consider practicing on scrap wood before working on the final project to refine your technique and ensure the best outcome.

Wood Choice

The type of wood can affect the outcome of your joints. Hardwoods may provide a stronger joint but can be more difficult to work with than softwoods.