Writing Personalized Wedding Vows

This playbook provides a structured approach to writing personalized wedding vows. It outlines the steps necessary to create vows that are meaningful, intimate, and tailored to your unique relationship, ensuring they resonate with your partner and your guests on your wedding day.

Step 1: Preparation

Begin by reflecting on your relationship. Think about how you met, your first date, pivotal moments in your relationship, why you fell in love, and what life goals you share. Take notes on these reflections.

Step 2: Inspiration

Read or listen to a variety of wedding vows, poems, quotes, and love letters to find phrases, ideas, or themes that resonate with your feelings and relationship.

Step 3: Drafting

Write a first draft without worrying about length or perfection. Focus on sincerity and the key points you wish to express, such as promises you want to make, the qualities you love about your partner, and your hopes for the future.

Step 4: Personalization

Incorporate personal anecdotes or intimate details that are significant to you and your partner, which will add a unique touch to your vows.

Step 5: Review

Revisit your draft after a break. Refine your language, tone, and structure. Keep it conversational and true to your own voice.

Step 6: Practice

Practice reading your vows out loud to ensure they flow well and sound natural. Adjust as necessary for clarity and impact.

Step 7: Finalize

Finalize your wedding vows. Type or write them out clearly for use on your wedding day. Consider creating a keepsake version for future memories.

Step 8: Consult

If desired, share your final draft with a trusted friend or family member for feedback. Take their input into account and make any last adjustments.

General Notes

Length Consideration

Aim for your vows to be approximately one to two minutes long when spoken. This will keep them concise and impactful without overextending the ceremony.


If you're comfortable, consider coordinating with your partner on the format or tone of your vows to ensure a harmonious exchange, while keeping the content a surprise.

Emotion Prep

Prepare yourself for the emotions of the day. It's natural to feel overwhelmed while delivering your vows; practice may help you maintain composure.