Stress-Free Wedding Rehearsal

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to coordinate a seamless wedding rehearsal. It guides you through organizing the event to ensure all participants understand their roles and the timing of the ceremony.

Step 1: Early Planning

Choose a date and time for the rehearsal, typically the evening before the wedding. Book the ceremony venue for this time and notify all participants of the details well in advance.

Step 2: Create Agenda

Draft a clear agenda for the rehearsal, detailing when and where participants should arrive, the order of the procession, and any specific instructions for each person's role.

Step 3: Assign Roles

Confirm with the wedding party who will be involved in the ceremony and what their roles will be. This includes the order of the procession and positions during the ceremony.

Step 4: Communicate Details

Send the agenda to all participants, including the wedding party, officiant, and any musicians or technicians. Confirm their understanding and availability.

Step 5: Rehearse Entrance

Practice the procession multiple times. Start from the beginning and have each member of the wedding party walk their path as they would during the actual ceremony.

Step 6: Ceremony Walkthrough

Go through the ceremony step by step, from readings and vows to the exchange of rings and the final kiss. Make sure everyone is clear on cues and transitions.

Step 7: Rehearse Exit

Practice the recessional. Ensure the wedding party knows the order in which they should exit and where they should go afterward.

Step 8: Review Contingencies

Discuss and plan for any potential issues that may arise during the ceremony, such as inclement weather for outdoor weddings or what to do if someone is late or absent.

Step 9: Hold Q&A Session

Open the floor for questions from the wedding party or other participants. Address all concerns and confirm everyone is comfortable with their roles.

Step 10: Final Confirmation

Confirm with all parties involved that they are clear on their responsibilities and the schedule for the wedding day. Make any necessary adjustments to the plan.

General Notes

Rehearsal Dinner

Consider scheduling a rehearsal dinner after the rehearsal itself to show appreciation for the wedding party's time and to encourage bonding before the big day.

Emergency Kit

Prepare an 'emergency kit' for the rehearsal and wedding day that includes items such as safety pins, tape, scissors, and a first-aid kit.

Delegate Tasks

If possible, delegate tasks such as timekeeping, music cues, and coordination of the rehearsal to reliable individuals to alleviate stress.