Bridal Party Duties

This procedural guide details the traditional roles and responsibilities of bridal party members. It's designed to help the bride and groom understand and delegate tasks effectively to their chosen friends and family for their wedding.

Step 1: Maid of Honor

The Maid of Honor acts as the chief bridesmaid and the bride's main support. She helps with wedding planning tasks, leads the bridesmaids, plans the bachelorette party, assists the bride on the wedding day, and gives a toast.

Step 2: Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids support the Maid of Honor, help with pre-wedding tasks, participate in wedding planning events, such as dress shopping, and attend to the bride as needed on the wedding day.

Step 3: Best Man

The Best Man is the groom's right-hand man. He organizes the bachelor party, manages the other groomsmen, looks after the wedding rings, gives a toast, and assists the groom on the wedding day.

Step 4: Groomsmen

Groomsmen support the Best Man, partake in wedding planning activities, help with ushering guests, and may include specific tasks assigned by the groom or Best Man.

Step 5: Flower Girl

Typically a young girl, the Flower Girl walks down the aisle scattering flower petals before the bride's entrance, symbolizing a happy path for the newlyweds.

Step 6: Ring Bearer

The Ring Bearer, often a young boy, is responsible for carrying the wedding rings (or replicas) on a pillow down the aisle to the altar.

General Notes


The roles can be adapted or redefined by the bride and groom to better suit personal relationships, cultural traditions, or the uniqueness of their wedding.

Additional roles

Many weddings also include additional roles like ushers, ceremony readers, or honorary positions for close individuals who aren’t in the wedding party.