Post-Production Workflow

This playbook describes an efficient post-production workflow for managing video editing projects. It outlines the key steps involved in taking a project from initial footage to final output, ensuring a streamlined process.

Step 1: Ingest

Import all raw footage into your video editing software. Organize clips into bins based on scene, take, camera angle, or other relevant criteria.

Step 2: Backup

Create backups of all your footage on separate storage devices or cloud services to prevent data loss and ensure redundancy.

Step 3: Sync

Synchronize audio and video tracks if they were recorded separately. Use clapperboard claps or automated syncing software to align the tracks precisely.

Step 4: Rough Cut

Assemble your clips on the timeline to form a rough cut. This is an initial sequence that lays out the footage in the order of the script, disregarding fine timing adjustments or effects.

Step 5: Edit

Begin fine-tuning the rough cut. This step involves trimming clips, adding transitions, adjusting timing, and refining the sequence to tell the story effectively.

Step 6: Effects

Add special effects, graphics, or visual enhancements where necessary. This step may also include color correction and grading to achieve a professional look.

Step 7: Sound Design

Work on the audio aspect of the project by adding background music, sound effects, and refining dialogue levels. Mix the audio tracks to achieve clear and balanced sound.

Step 8: Review

Review the edited video thoroughly. Look for errors, pacing issues, or any other aspect that needs further refinement.

Step 9: Revisions

Make any necessary changes based on feedback from the review. Multiple rounds of revisions may be needed before the final cut is approved.

Step 10: Output

Render the final cut into the desired format(s) for distribution. Ensure proper codec settings and resolution based on the target platforms or media.

Step 11: Archive

Archive the project files and final outputs. Organize the archival in a manner that makes it easy to retrieve components for future use or reference.

General Notes


Throughout the post-production workflow, maintain open lines of communication with all team members to ensure everyone is updated on the project's progress and any changes.

Technical Specs

Before starting the project, ensure you are aware of all technical specifications required for the final output, such as aspect ratios, resolution, and file formats.