Safe Eating While Traveling

This playbook provides guidance on selecting safe food and beverage options while traveling to minimize the risk of food poisoning and other gastrointestinal problems. It helps travelers make informed decisions regarding their dietary choices in different environments.

Step 1: Research

Before traveling, research the food safety standards of your destination. Read traveler reviews and consult health advisories for information on local restaurants and street food vendors.

Step 2: Beverage Selection

Opt for sealed, bottled water and avoid ice in drinks. Ensure all dairy products are pasteurized, and avoid consuming beverages made with tap water, such as fountain drinks or fruit juices.

Step 3: Food Inspection

When choosing food, ensure it is thoroughly cooked and served hot. Avoid raw vegetables and fruits that cannot be peeled. Steer clear of foods that have been sitting at room temperature, such as buffets.

Step 4: Hygiene Observation

Observe the cleanliness of the establishment and the personal hygiene practices of the staff. Look for a busy eatery with a high turnover of food, indicating freshness.

Step 5: Safe Snacking

Prefer packaged snacks from reputable brands. When trying local snacks, choose fresh and hot items from a vendor with high traffic, suggesting frequent replenishments.

Step 6: Hand Washing

Always wash your hands with soap and water before eating. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

General Notes

Allergy Awareness

Be aware of any food allergies and how to communicate them in the local language. Consider carrying allergy cards that clearly state your allergies to show to food vendors.

Travel Insurance

Consider purchasing travel insurance that covers medical treatment abroad, including care for food poisoning and gastrointestinal illnesses.