Felting Wool Basics

This playbook outlines the basic steps required for beginners to start felting wool, transforming wool fibers into felted fabrics and crafts through various techniques.

Step 1: Materials

Gather all necessary materials including wool roving or batting, felting needles, a foam pad or felting mat, warm soapy water, and a towel.

Step 2: Preparation

Prepare the work surface by laying out the foam pad or felting mat. Pull apart the wool roving or batting into a thin layer to start the felting process.

Step 3: Needle Felting

Use the felting needles to interlock the wool fibers. Poke the needles through the wool into the foam pad repeatedly, while shaping the wool as desired.

Step 4: Wet Felting

For wet felting, lay out your thin layers of wool, pour warm soapy water over the wool, and press and rub the wool gently with your hands to encourage the fibers to interlock and felt together.

Step 5: Shaping

Once the fabric starts to fuse, you can begin to shape the felted item by rolling, kneading, and throwing it gently until it reaches the desired firmness and shape.

Step 6: Drying

When the felted craft reaches the desired shape and size, remove the excess water with a towel and allow it to dry completely.

General Notes


Felting needles are sharp; handle with care to avoid injury. Use a foam pad to protect both the needles and your working surface.

Fiber Varieties

Different types of wool fibers have different felting properties. Experiment with various types of wool to see how each behaves.


If the wool is not felting properly, try adding more soap, using hotter water, or increasing the amount of agitation.