Teaching Teens about Consent

This playbook outlines the procedure for educating teenagers about the concepts of consent and boundaries. It aims to inform and empower young individuals with the knowledge to respect personal boundaries and communicate their own in various social situations.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather informative resources on consent and boundaries, such as articles, videos, and guides. Ensure the materials are appropriate and relatable for a teenage audience.

Step 2: Introduction

Start the session by introducing the topics of consent and boundaries. Explain why these concepts are important in relationships of all kinds, including friendships, family, and romantic connections.

Step 3: Define Concepts

Clearly define what consent and boundaries mean. Use examples relevant to teens' lives to illustrate these concepts in practical scenarios.

Step 4: Active Engagement

Incorporate interactive activities such as role-playing, discussions, or case studies to engage the teenagers and allow them to practice expressing consent and setting boundaries.

Step 5: Encourage Dialogue

Foster an open environment where teenagers feel comfortable asking questions and sharing experiences. Encourage them to discuss consent and boundaries in the context of digital communication as well as face-to-face interactions.

Step 6: Provide Resources

Offer additional resources for further learning and support. This can include contacts for counseling services, websites with educational information, and local organizations that can provide assistance.

Step 7: Close Discussion

Conclude the session with a summary of key points and an open offer to continue the conversation privately if any of the teens wish for more information or personal guidance.

General Notes


Be sensitive to the diversity of experiences among teenagers. Ensure that the sessions are inclusive and mindful of different backgrounds and perspectives.


Respect the privacy of the teens. Make it clear that personal stories shared within the session are confidential and that they have a safe space to express themselves.


Consider involving professionals, such as psychologists or counselors, who specialize in working with adolescents to provide expert insights during the education sessions.