Managing Teen Screen Time

This playbook outlines a process for establishing a balanced screen time routine for teenagers, aiming to reduce excessive use while minimizing resistance. It provides step-by-step guidance for parents and guardians to navigate this challenging aspect of modern parenting.

Step 1: Assessment

Begin by objectively assessing how much screen time is currently being used by your teen. Track the types of activities they are engaging in and the duration of screen time over the course of a week.

Step 2: Education

Educate your teen about the impact of excessive screen time on their health, well-being, and real-life relationships. Use facts and figures that are age-appropriate to make the information relatable.

Step 3: Discussion

Have an open and honest conversation with your teen about their screen time habits. Understand their views and feelings about screen usage, and communicate your concerns as a parent.

Step 4: Goal Setting

Set realistic and clear goals together with your teen for screen time usage. Create these goals to encourage a balance between screen time and other activities.

Step 5: Boundaries

Establish clear and consistent boundaries for screen use. Decide on certain times of day or specific zones in the house where screen time is allowed or restricted.

Step 6: Alternatives

Encourage alternative activities that don't involve screens, such as sports, reading, or family game nights. Provide resources and opportunities to engage in these activities.

Step 7: Monitoring

Regularly monitor your teen's screen time, reviewing the apps and platforms they use and ensuring they are adhering to the agreed-upon goals and boundaries.

Step 8: Adjusting

Be willing to adjust the plan as needed, based on your teen's feedback and any changes in their lifestyle or circumstances.

Step 9: Consistency

Maintain consistency in enforcing the agreed-upon rules and be a role model by also restraining your own screen time use in front of your teen.

General Notes


Understand that change takes time and that teens may struggle to adapt to new screen time rules. Approach this process with patience and perseverance.


Keep communication lines open with your teen to discuss their thoughts on screen time and any challenges they may face. Regular check-ins can help to keep the plan on track.