Intro to Team Handball

This playbook provides a guide for introducing team handball to schools and amateur leagues. It covers the essentials from rules to basic skills and beginner drills for new players.

Step 1: Understand Rules

Learn the fundamental rules of team handball, including the size of the court, goal specifications, number of players, basic fouls, and game duration. Find resources like the International Handball Federation's rulebook for comprehensive guidance.

Step 2: Gather Equipment

Acquire the necessary equipment to play team handball, which includes a handball, goals, a playing court, and proper attire for the players like shorts, jerseys, and sports shoes.

Step 3: Set Up Court

Prepare the playing area by marking the handball court dimensions, setting up the goals at each end, and ensuring the surface is safe to play on.

Step 4: Form Teams

Organize participants into teams, ensuring there is a balance in skills and numbers, with each team consisting of the correct number of players, including substitutes.

Step 5: Teach Basics

Introduce players to the basic skills of handball, such as dribbling, passing, catching, shooting, and basic defensive moves. Utilize simple explanations and demonstrations to convey techniques.

Step 6: Conduct Drills

Run introductory drills that focus on the fundamental skills. Examples include passing in pairs, dribbling courses, shooting practice, and mock defensive scenarios.

Step 7: Scrimmage

Organize a practice game or scrimmage that allows players to apply the skills and rules they have learned in a game-like scenario, offering guidance and corrections throughout.

Step 8: Review

After the scrimmage, hold a session to review the game, highlighting what was done well and areas for improvement. Encourage players to ask questions and clarify doubts.

General Notes

Safety First

Always prioritize player safety by ensuring all equipment is safe to use and the playing environment is suitable for the sport.

Skills Progression

Ensure that the progression of skill teaching goes from simple to complex. Start with the most basic skills and gradually introduce more advanced techniques as players become comfortable.

Positive Reinforcement

Offer positive feedback and encouragement to maintain a high level of morale and to foster a love for the game among new players.