Cheerleading Squad Formation

This playbook outlines the steps for creating and training a cheerleading squad that is prepared to not only support sports teams at events but also compete in cheerleading competitions.

Step 1: Recruitment

Advertise tryouts through school announcements, posters, and social media. Clearly communicate the requirements and expectations for squad members, including time commitments, skill levels, and any necessary qualifications.

Step 2: Tryouts

Organize and conduct the tryout sessions. Assess candidates on their physical fitness, dance skills, enthusiasm, and ability to work as a team. Utilize a panel of judges to ensure a fair selection process.

Step 3: Selection

Based on the tryouts, select members who exhibit the most potential and fit the criteria previously established. Notify the candidates of their acceptance and provide details for the first team meeting.

Step 4: Orientation

Host an introductory meeting for new squad members to discuss goals, schedules, responsibilities, and to introduce the coaching staff and team leaders.

Step 5: Physical Conditioning

Begin a regular fitness regimen focused on improving strength, flexibility, and stamina. Incorporate exercises such as cardio workouts, strength training, and stretching routines.

Step 6: Skill Workshops

Conduct workshops to teach and improve cheerleading skills including jumps, cheers, chants, stunts, and dance routines. Emphasize safety and proper technique to prevent injuries.

Step 7: Routine Development

Collaborate with squad members to choreograph routines for sports events and competitions. Consider theme, music, and the sequence of stunts and movements. Rehearse until the routines are polished and synchronized.

Step 8: Dress Rehearsal

Perform full dress rehearsals in costume to simulate actual performance conditions. Focus on timing, coordination, and presentation to build confidence and resolve any last-minute issues.

Step 9: Public Performances

Begin performing at school sports events to build public presence and polish performing skills in front of an audience. Gauge feedback and make improvements as necessary.

Step 10: Competition Prep

Prepare for competitions by fine-tuning routines, focusing on the difficulty of stunts, and ensuring that movements are sharp and clean. Review competition rules and scoring methods to maximize performance effectiveness.

Step 11: Evaluation

Continuously assess the squad's progress through regular feedback sessions and make adjustments to training and routines accordingly. Encourage a culture of positive feedback and constructive criticism.

Step 12: Engagement

Maintain high levels of team spirit and engagement through team-building activities, social events, and community service projects. This fosters unity and a positive team identity.

General Notes


Ensure that all practices, especially those involving stunts, are supervised by qualified coaches and that proper mats and safety gear are used at all times.


Maintain clear and consistent communication with squad members and their families, particularly regarding schedule changes, expectations, and any fees or expenses.


Adhere to school policies and national cheerleading association guidelines to ensure that the program is compliant with all rules and regulations.


Strive for inclusivity by providing equal opportunities for all students to try out and by accommodating diverse skill levels and backgrounds.