Wilderness Navigation Without a Compass

This playbook provides a set of techniques for finding your direction and navigating in the wilderness without the use of a compass. It focuses on the use of natural indicators such as the sun, stars, and environmental clues.

Step 1: Sun Method

Observe the sun's path. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In the morning, your shadow will point west, and in the evening, it will point east. You can use this principle to approximate east-west direction during the day.

Step 2: Watch Method

Use an analog watch to find direction. Point the hour hand at the sun. The midpoint between the hour hand and the 12 o'clock mark will give you a general sense of the north-south line if you are in the northern hemisphere. The process is reversed for the southern hemisphere.

Step 3: Shadow-Stick Method

Place a stick upright in the ground so that it casts a shadow. Mark the shadow tip with a stone. Wait about 15 minutes until the shadow tip moves a few inches. Mark the new position with another stone. The line between the two marks runs east-west, with the first mark being west.

Step 4: Star Navigation

At night, locate the North Star (Polaris) in the northern hemisphere by finding the 'Big Dipper' constellation and drawing a line between the two stars at the end of the 'bowl' away from the 'handle.' Extend this line out about five times the distance of the 'bowl' to find the North Star. In the Southern Hemisphere, find the Southern Cross. Extend the top and bottom stars to find south.

Step 5: Natural Cues

Look for natural clues such as the growth of moss (usually thicker on the northern-most side of trees (in the Northern Hemisphere), the direction of river flow (rivers generally flow from higher to lower terrain), and prevailing wind patterns (trees and grass may lean away from prevailing winds).

General Notes

Hemisphere Considerations

Be aware that directions can be hemisphere-specific, especially when using celestial methods—what works in the Northern Hemisphere will be different in the Southern Hemisphere.

Environment Variations

Natural cues may vary based on local conditions and should not be used as the sole navigation method due to potential anomalies.


These techniques provide approximate directions and should be used in conjunction with other methods when possible for increased accuracy.

Safety Precautions

Always tell someone your travel plans and expected return time before venturing into the wilderness and try to carry a map, compass, or GPS device as a backup.