Water Finding and Purification

This playbook describes how to locate water sources in various environments and outlines methods for purifying the water to make it safe to drink.

Step 1: Locate Water

Look for water sources such as streams, rivers, lakes, springs, or morning dew. Use geographical indicators: vegetation changes, animal paths, valleys or gullies, and divining. Listen for the sound of running water.

Step 2: Collect Water

Once a water source is found, collect water using containers. If collecting dew or rain, use clean cloths or tarps to absorb or catch the water, then wring it out or collect it.

Step 3: Filtering

Pre-filter the collected water to remove large particles. Use cloth, coffee filters, or a makeshift filter from natural materials (sand, charcoal, grass).

Step 4: Purification

Choose a purification method: boiling (boil for at least 1 minute), chemical treatment (use iodine or chlorine tablets according to the package instructions), UV light exposure, or a water purification pump.

Step 5: Storage

Store purified water in clean, sealed containers. Keep it in a cool, shaded area to prevent bacterial growth and to maintain freshness.

General Notes

Safety Precautions

Always ensure the water collection tools are clean to avoid contamination. Purify all collected water prior to drinking, as even clear water can contain harmful pathogens.

Alternative Methods

If no commercial purification tools are available, consider natural alternatives like solar water disinfection (SODIS), or use grapefruit seed extract as a natural disinfectant.


Be mindful of water conservation. Use only the water you need, and protect water sources from contamination by keeping the surrounding area clean.