Signaling for Rescue

This playbook describes the various methods one can use to signal for help in a rescue situation. It covers visual signals, use of mirrors, and auditory signals to attract the attention of rescuers.

Step 1: Visual Signals

Create highly visible markers such as flags or bright materials to capture the attention of rescuers. Markers should be placed in open areas where they are most likely to be seen.

Step 2: Mirror Use

Utilize a mirror or any reflective surface to create flashes of light. Aim the reflection towards potential rescuers by holding the mirror towards the sun and adjusting the angle to sweep the light across the rescue team's location.

Step 3: Auditory Signals

Create noise by shouting, whistling, or using items like pans to bang on to make a distinctive sound that can travel a long distance. Repeat the noise at regular intervals to increase the chance of being heard.

General Notes


Choose a location for your signals that is open and has the highest visibility from the air and ground.


If possible, display 'SOS' with stones or any available objects as it is universally recognized as a distress signal.

Regular Intervals

For auditory signals, create noise at regular intervals to maintain a pattern that is identifiable as a distress signal rather than random noise.