Strength Training Routine Creation

This playbook provides a clear guide for individuals to create a personalized strength training routine. It aims to align the program with their specific fitness goals and availability, promoting an effective and sustainable exercise habit.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate your current fitness level, any previous injuries, and your specific strength training goals. Consider factors such as how long you have been training, what type of exercises you are comfortable with, and what you want to achieve through strength training.

Step 2: Schedule

Determine the number of days per week you can realistically dedicate to strength training. Ensure that you factor in rest days to prevent overtraining.

Step 3: Exercise Selection

Choose exercises that target all the major muscle groups. Ensure a balance between pushing, pulling, leg, and core exercises, and incorporate both compound and isolation movements for a comprehensive routine.

Step 4: Volume

Plan the volume of your workouts, which includes the number of exercises, sets, and reps for each muscle group. This should be based on your training goals, whether it's for strength, hypertrophy, endurance, or a combination.

Step 5: Progression

Create a progression strategy to gradually increase the weights, volume, or intensity of your workouts. This is crucial to continually challenge your muscles and make gains.

Step 6: Recovery

Schedule in adequate recovery by planning rest days and incorporating stretching, foam rolling, or other recovery techniques into your routine.

Step 7: Nutrition

Align your nutrition plan with your strength training routine to support muscle repair and growth. Ensure you're consuming enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Step 8: Monitor

Regularly monitor your progress by keeping a training log and updating your routine as needed. Adapt the routine based on your body's response and progress towards your goals.

General Notes


Always prioritize proper form over lifting heavier weights to reduce the risk of injury.


Periodically change your workout routine to prevent plateaus and keep your workouts engaging.


Consider consulting with a fitness professional when starting out to ensure that your routine is appropriate for your fitness level and goals.