Strength Training Periodization

This playbook outlines the structured approach to strength training known as periodization. It helps to divide training into distinct phases with the aim of optimizing strength gains and performance while minimizing the risk of overtraining.

Step 1: Assessment

Begin with a thorough assessment of the athlete's current strength levels, performance metrics, and training history. Establish clear strength goals and identify any limitations.

Step 2: Planning

Create an overall periodization plan that encompasses macrocycles (annual or seasonal plans), mesocycles (monthly or phase plans), and microcycles (weekly plans).

Step 3: Base Phase

Initiate the periodization with a base phase that focuses on building a foundation of strength, typically using higher volume and lower intensity.

Step 4: Intensity Phase

Transition to an intensity phase where the focus shifts to lifting heavier weights at a lower volume to increase maximal strength and power.

Step 5: Peak Phase

Culminate with a peaking phase designed to maximize the athlete's strength and performance leading up to a competition or the end goal of the training cycle.

Step 6: Tapering

Implement a tapering phase by reducing volume and maintaining intensity to allow the body to recover and adapt fully before the main competition or evaluation of goals.

Step 7: Recovery

Plan for a recovery period after the peaking phase or competition with low-intensity training or complete rest, facilitating physical and mental recovery.

Step 8: Evaluation

After the recovery phase, re-assess the athlete's performance compared to pre-periodization levels to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and inform future planning.

General Notes


The periodization plan should be flexible and adaptable based on the athlete's progression, any unexpected events, or changes in goals.

Progressive Overload

Ensure that the training program follows the principle of progressive overload, progressively increasing the training stimulus to stimulate continued strength and performance improvements.

Nutrition and Rest

Emphasize the importance of proper nutrition and rest for optimal recovery throughout the periodization process.


Maintain detailed records of the training program, including exercises, sets, reps, and weights, to track the athlete's progression and make informed adjustments.