Strength Training Breathing

The playbook describes how to utilize appropriate breathing techniques to improve performance and stability during strength training exercises. It includes steps for enhancing lifts and bracing the core through breath control.

Step 1: Learn Pattern

Understand the breathing pattern to use during the lifting portions of your strength training. Typically, you should inhale before lifting a weight and exhale on the exertive phase.

Step 2: Practice Breathing

Practice the breathing pattern without weights. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand, hold your breath as you simulate the lift, then exhale through your mouth as if you were performing the lift.

Step 3: Brace Core

Learn to brace your core as part of the breathing process. As you inhale and fill your diaphragm, tighten your core muscles as though preparing for a punch to the stomach.

Step 4: Lift Integration

Integrate the breathing technique with your lifting routine. Begin with lighter weights to focus on maintaining the breathing pattern and bracing technique under a load.

Step 5: Increase Complexity

Gradually increase weight and complexity of exercises as you become more comfortable with the breathing and bracing technique.

General Notes

Safety Reminder

While holding your breath during the lift can increase core stability, be mindful of your body's limits. If you feel dizzy or light-headed, resume normal breathing patterns and consider consulting with a professional trainer.


Consistency in breathing patterns during all exercises will help in building the breathing technique into a habit, increasing effectiveness over time.