Olympic Weightlifting Strength

This playbook outlines the process of building explosive strength through Olympic weightlifting. It focuses on the essential techniques and training methods for movements such as the snatch and clean and jerk.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Begin with a dynamic warm-up to prepare the body for explosive movements. Include exercises that increase heart rate, activate muscles, and mobilize joints relevant to weightlifting.

Step 2: Technique Practice

Practice the fundamental positions and movements of the snatch and clean and jerk. Start with lightweight or just a barbell to focus on form and technique before adding weight.

Step 3: Progressive Loading

Gradually increase the weight used in the exercises while maintaining proper form. Ensure progressive overload is conducted in a safe and controlled manner.

Step 4: Accessory Work

Incorporate accessory exercises to build strength in muscles directly and indirectly involved in the Olympic lifts, such as squats, presses, and pulls.

Step 5: Rest and Recovery

Allow ample time for rest and recovery between training sessions. Ensure that sleep, nutrition, and active recovery methods such as stretching or foam rolling are prioritized.

Step 6: Evaluation

Regularly assess technique and strength gains through coaching feedback and performance metrics to make necessary adjustments to the training program.

General Notes


Always prioritize safety by using proper equipment, such as weightlifting shoes and a suitable platform, and by training under the guidance of a qualified coach.


Consistent practice is key to progress in Olympic weightlifting. Adhere to a regular training schedule and remain patient, as skill mastery takes time.