Barbell Exercise Basics

This playbook provides detailed instructions on how to correctly perform fundamental barbell exercises. It focuses on technique for the squat, deadlift, and bench press to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Step 1: Setup

Start by positioning the barbell appropriate to the exercise: Squat - at chest level on the rack; Deadlift - on the ground; Bench Press - at bench press station on the rack just above where your chest will be when lying down.

Step 2: Squat Steps
  1. Stand under the bar, positioning it across your upper back. 2. Unrack the bar by straightening your legs, stepping back into position. 3. With feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the hips and knees to lower down as if sitting back into a chair. 4. Keep your back straight and chest up. 5. Descend until hips are below knees. 6. Push back up through your heels to the starting position.
Step 3: Deadlift Steps
  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, bar over your toes. 2. Bend at the hips and knees, grip the bar outside your legs. 3. Keep your back straight and engage the core. 4. Lift the bar by straightening your legs and hips. 5. Stand up tall at the top of the movement. 6. Lower the bar back to the ground under control.
Step 4: Bench Press Steps
  1. Lie on the bench with eyes under the bar. 2. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width. 3. Unrack the bar by straightening your arms. 4. Lower the bar to the mid-chest level. 5. Push the bar back up to straight arms, exhaling as you do so.

General Notes


Proper breathing is crucial for these exercises. Inhale when lowering the weight, and exhale when lifting or pressing the weight.


Always have a spotter when performing heavy lifts, especially during bench press. Utilize safety bars when performing squats and bench press in a rack.


Perform a thorough warm-up before beginning these exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for the workload.


Prioritize form over weight to prevent injuries and to effectively target the muscle groups intended for each exercise.