Seasonal Training Cycles

This playbook describes the process of structuring training cycles over a sports season to minimize the risk of injury and prevent athlete burnout. It highlights the importance of periodization, recovery, and monitoring in creating an effective and sustainable training plan.

Step 1: Assessment

Begin the season by assessing the athlete's current physical condition, past injury history, and any potential areas of weakness that require attention. This can include fitness tests, mobility screenings, and consultations with healthcare professionals.

Step 2: Goal Setting

Define clear, achievable goals for the season ahead, taking into consideration the athlete's abilities and the demands of the sport. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Step 3: Periodization

Develop a periodized training plan that divides the season into phases. Each phase should have a specific focus, such as building base endurance, improving strength, or peaking for competition. Ensure that the intensity and volume of training progress logically and sustainably.

Step 4: Integration

Incorporate rest days and lower-intensity periods into the training plan to allow for recovery. Cross-training activities should also be included to balance the training stress and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

Step 5: Monitoring

Regularly monitor the athlete's progress, fatigue levels, and any signs of overtraining. Keep a training log and use wearable technology to track workload if available. Adjust the training plan as necessary based on the feedback received from these monitoring activities.

Step 6: Recovery Strategies

Implement recovery strategies such as proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, and active recovery techniques. Consider psychological recovery as well, including stress management and ensuring a healthy work-life balance for the athlete.

Step 7: Evaluation

At the end of the season, evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. Review the goals set at the beginning of the season, examine injury records, and gather feedback from athletes and coaches to inform future training cycles.

General Notes


Be prepared to adapt the training plan to unexpected events such as injuries, changes in competition schedules, or unforeseen personal circumstances of the athlete.


Ensure continuous and open communication between the athlete, coaches, and medical staff throughout the season to address any concerns promptly and make informed decisions about training adjustments.