Creating Inclusive Classrooms

This playbook outlines the procedure for establishing a classroom setting that is welcoming and supportive of students with diverse special needs, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in the learning environment.

Step 1: Research

Conduct research on the types of special needs that may be present in the classroom. Learn about different disabilities, learning challenges, and the requirements for accommodations.

Step 2: Training

Engage in professional development and teacher training sessions that focus on inclusion, accessible teaching strategies, and techniques for creating a supportive classroom atmosphere.

Step 3: Consultation

Consult with special education professionals, school counselors, and psychologists to understand the specific needs of students and to gather resources for accommodations.

Step 4: Planning

Develop an inclusive lesson plan that incorporates various teaching methods, such as visual aids, tactile experiences, and assistive technology, to cater to different learning styles and abilities.

Step 5: Environment

Arrange the physical classroom environment to be accessible, with clear paths for navigation, ergonomic furniture, and appropriate learning materials accessible to all students.

Step 6: Implementation

Apply inclusive teaching practices in the classroom. Utilize mixed-ability groupings, differentiate instruction, and offer flexible assessment methods.

Step 7: Feedback

Collect feedback from students, aides, and other educators on the inclusivity of the classroom. Use this information to make any necessary adjustments and improvements.

Step 8: Ongoing Assessment

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusive strategies in place. Ensure that the accommodations continue to meet the evolving needs of students.

General Notes


Collaboration with external experts, parents, and the students themselves can provide valuable insights and contribute to the success of creating an inclusive classroom.


Inclusivity requires flexibility in both planning and delivery. Be prepared to adapt strategies and make real-time changes to accommodate students' needs.


Stay informed about current legislation related to disability rights and education such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Ensure that classroom practices are in compliance with legal requirements.