Staying Connected Abroad

This playbook provides a guideline on how to effectively communicate with family and friends while traveling solo abroad. It includes various options and tips to ensure you remain in touch despite the distance.

Step 1: Research Options

Before your trip, research the various communication options available in your destination country. Look for local SIM cards, international phone plans, and availability of Internet access through Wi-Fi or data plans.

Step 2: Inform Contacts

Notify your family and friends about your communication plans, including which platforms you'll use (e.g., email, social media, messaging apps), your expected response times, and any potential delays due to time zone differences or travel itineraries.

Step 3: Emergency Info

Provide your emergency contact information, including local embassy details, hotel address, and an in-country phone number, if available, to a trusted family member or friend.

Step 4: Schedule Calls

Set up regular check-in times for voice or video calls that work across different time zones. This creates a routine and ensures that both you and your loved ones have a communication timeline to look forward to.

Step 5: Use Apps

Install and set up communication apps such as WhatsApp, Skype, or Zoom, which offer free or low-cost options for international messaging and calls, and make sure your contacts do the same.

Step 6: Backup Plans

Always have a backup communication method in case your primary choice fails. This could be an alternative app, email, or even a local payphone.

Step 7: Cultural Sensitivity

Be mindful of cultural norms and regulations regarding communication in the country you are visiting, as some might have restrictions on Internet usage or certain social media platforms.

General Notes

Data Security

Be aware of data security and avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive communication unless you're using a reputable Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Battery Life

Ensure your devices are always charged or you have a portable charger at hand, especially during long outings or if you're expecting a call.

Cultural Insights

Communicating with locals can sometimes offer new insights often missed by solo travelers, don't hesitate to make new acquaintances and exchange communication details when appropriate.