Smart Home Security

This playbook provides a sequential guide to securing your smart home devices. It outlines the steps necessary to protect against unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Step 1: Inventory

Create a detailed list of all smart home devices. Include their makes, models, connection types, and what networks they are on.

Step 2: Updates

Ensure all devices are running the latest firmware and software updates. Regularly check for new updates as they often contain security patches.

Step 3: Passwords

Change all default passwords to strong, unique ones. Avoid using easily guessable passwords and consider using a password manager.

Step 4: Networks

Secure your Wi-Fi network with WPA3 encryption, a strong password, and consider setting up a separate network exclusively for your smart devices.

Step 5: Features

Disable unnecessary features on your devices that may open up security vulnerabilities, such as remote access if not needed.

Step 6: Permissions

Review and limit the permissions granted to your smart devices. Only allow them to access what is necessary for their function.

Step 7: Monitoring

Set up monitoring to alert you of any suspicious activity on your smart home devices or networks.

Step 8: Incident Plan

Prepare a response plan for potential security incidents. This should include steps to isolate devices, change passwords, and notify any necessary parties.

General Notes

Regular Audits

Periodically perform security audits of your smart home setup to ensure compliance with the best practices and to identify any potential new vulnerabilities.


Stay informed about potential security threats to smart home devices and educate anyone else who has access to your smart home system about maintaining security.