Drafting Business Legal Documents

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to create a comprehensive Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These documents are essential for safeguarding your business interests and ensuring your customers are well informed about the policies concerning their data and usage of your service.

Step 1: Research

Conduct detailed research on legal requirements and industry standards for Terms of Service and Privacy Policies. Consult legal databases, competitor websites, and regulatory resources.

Step 2: Outline

Create an outline for both documents, highlighting all the necessary sections and information that will need to be included. Such sections could include definitions, user rights and responsibilities, limitations of liability, dispute resolution, etc.

Step 3: Draft ToS

Draft the Terms of Service using clear, concise language. Ensure it is tailored to your business model and covers all legal bases.

Step 4: Draft Privacy Policy

Write the Privacy Policy, ensuring compliance with applicable data protection laws (like GDPR, CCPA) and detailing how customer data will be collected, used, and protected.

Step 5: Review

Internally review the documents. Check for consistency, clarity, and completeness. Make sure that the documents align with your company's practices and policies.

Step 6: Legal Verification

Have a lawyer or a legal professional review the drafts. They should verify that the documents meet all legal requirements and offer protection against potential legal issues.

Step 7: Revise

Revise the documents based on feedback from the legal review. Ensure all suggested changes have been incorporated and that the documents still reflect your business model and practices.

Step 8: Implement

Publish the finalized Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on your business website. Ensure they are easily accessible to users, preferably with links in the website footer.

Step 9: Update

Regularly update the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy as your business evolves and as new legal requirements come into effect. This should be an ongoing process with scheduled reviews.

General Notes


Avoid using generic templates without modifications. Tailor every section to suit the specific needs and operations of your business.


Aim for transparency and clarity to maintain trust with your users. Avoid legalese wherever possible to ensure your customers understand the documents.


Make sure both documents are easily accessible and navigable. Consider providing summaries or interactive elements for users to better understand key terms and conditions.