Creating an Employee Handbook

This playbook describes the sequential steps necessary to create a comprehensive employee handbook. It covers the process from gathering initial information to finalizing and distributing the document to outline the company’s policies, procedures, expectations, and culture.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather necessary information including existing company policies, legal requirements, and input from key stakeholders such as HR, legal counsel, and management.

Step 2: Outline

Create an outline of the handbook structure. Include sections such as company mission, values, equal employment opportunity statement, employment policies, code of conduct, compensation and benefits, work conditions, safety and security, and acknowledgment of receipt.

Step 3: Drafting

Begin drafting the content for each section. Ensure that the language is clear, concise, and reflects the company culture. Provide examples where possible to illustrate policies and procedures.

Step 4: Legal Review

Have legal counsel review the drafted handbook to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws. Make necessary amendments based on their recommendations.

Step 5: Stakeholder Review

Distribute the draft to key stakeholders for review and feedback. Incorporate their input and make revisions as needed.

Step 6: Finalization

Finalize the handbook by making any last revisions and ensuring the document is professionally formatted and free of errors.

Step 7: Implementation

Implement the handbook by distributing it to employees. Provide a digital copy and/or print copies and request an acknowledgment of receipt from each employee.

Step 8: Maintenance

Plan for ongoing maintenance by establishing a schedule for regular review and updates to the handbook as policies change or as required by law.

General Notes


Ensure the handbook is accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities. Consider formats such as Braille, large print, and easy-read versions.

Employee Training

Consider developing training sessions to help employees understand the handbook content and to address any questions or concerns they may have.